In the aftermath of the October 7 terror attacks, American Israelis experienced a profound upheaval, prompting a significant shift in their engagement with J...
The article by Sandy Eller discusses recent incidents of pro-Palestinian protests targeting synagogues across North America, marking a troubling escalation i...
Tamar Zinnar, a young woman from New York, created the Bat Melech Boutique to provide free and low-cost modest clothing to young women embracing tzeniut. Ins...
Daily Giving is a website that allows people to donate one dollar each day, with the funds going to different charitable organizations on a rotating basis. T...
Dr. Jacob Birnbaum was a prominent advocate for Soviet Jewry in the 1960s. He founded the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ), which mobilized students ...
Rabbi Joseph Karasick was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to strengthening Orthodox Judaism in the United States and globally. As president of the ...
The Jewish book industry is hopeful that it will fare well during the COVID-19 pandemic as people turn to books for comfort and inspiration while self-shelte...