Sarah Mann-Yeager

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Jewish Chronicle Chickpea and root vegetable tagine 25 Mar
This recipe presents a budget-friendly and vegan-friendly chickpea and root vegetable tagine that yields eight servings, ideal for accommodating vegans or ve...
25 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Rhubarb frangipane tart 3 Mar
This recipe provides a guide to making a rhubarb frangipane tart, a delightful option for afternoon tea. The tart consists of a crust made with flour, icing ...
3 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Chicken sausage meatballs with sage and fennel 22 Feb
This recipe features chicken sausage meatballs with sage and fennel, cooked alongside butternut squash, sweet potato, new potatoes, and onions. The dish is q...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Korean style bbq meatballs with rice 16 Feb
This recipe offers a Korean twist on traditional meatballs served with rice. The dish can be adjusted for those who prefer a milder taste by substituting goc...
16 Feb