Vladimir Nabokov, a prominent Russian-born author, led a life marked by tragedy and an enduring connection to Jewish heritage. Nabokov's family history refle...
Edmund Wilson, a prominent literary critic, delved into the study of Hebrew in the 1950s, merging his familial connections to Presbyterian and scholarly trad...
Leonard Bernstein's profound connection to Israel began even before its establishment as a state. In 1947, he visited British Palestine and was captivated by...
As a journalist for Newsday, John Steinbeck visited Israel in the 1960s and was inspired by the country's energy, patriotism, and military prowess, in contra...
This article discusses the personal legacy of Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism. While Herzl's political legacy was significant, his thre...
"The God That Failed" is a collection of essays by former communists that gained significant popularity and sparked strong reactions from readers. The book e...
Olga Tokarczuk, the 2018 Nobel Prize winner in literature, published The Books of Jacob in 2014. The novel explores the life of Jacob Frank, a messianic reli...
Raymond Carver, a well-known American writer, is often considered distant from Jewish American and Israeli realities, as his stories primarily focus on under...
Bobby Kennedy's admiration for Israel is explored in this article. It discusses Bobby Kennedy's visit to Palestine in 1948, where he wrote articles for the B...
This article discusses the role of Jews in introducing Sufism, a mystical form of Islam, to America in the 20th century. It focuses on Inayat Khan, an Indian...