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Shaul Magid

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Jewschool “A Fly Between Two Openings of the Heart”: The Hostage Murders and (not) Feeling the Pain 2 Sep
In this poignant reflection, Shaul Magid addresses the deep sorrow and numbness that accompany the loss of six young individuals, victims of a senseless act ...
2 Sep
Jewschool A Book Bound at Both Ends: The Enigmatic Life and Death of Dovid Din 1 Aug
Dovid Din, an enigmatic figure in postwar American kabbalism, died mysteriously in 1987 after teaching Lurianic Kabbalah and Hasidism to a small group of dis...
1 Aug
Jewschool Revelation and Forgetting: Moshe, Mediation, and the Beginning and End of Torah 6 Jun
The text explores the contrast between the absence of Moshe in the Passover Haggadah and his central role on Shavuot in mediating the giving of the Torah. It...
6 Jun
Jewschool Was Moshe’s Violence in Egypt Justified? On War, Violence, and Freedom 21 Feb
Aaron Samuel Tamares, a lesser-known Jewish thinker, explored themes of pacifism and violence in his essay "Herut" (Liberation), focusing on the biblical sto...
21 Feb
Jewschool Brief Thoughts on Religion and Politics: on Humility and Arrogance 6 Feb
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the disparity between the language of Jewish prayer and the attitudes of the Jewish people. The suppl...
6 Feb
Jewschool Why the Erev Rav Were Essential for the Successful Exodus from Egypt 3 Apr 2023
The article explores the role of the erev rav (mixed multitude) in the Exodus story and argues that they were essential for the Israelites to succeed and mer...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet American, Racist, Jewish 12 Oct 2021
Meir Kahane, the controversial founder of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) in 1968, is a figure who elicits conflicting reactions within American Jewry. While...
12 Oct 2021
Tablet No Shots, No Service 2 Sep 2021
The author, a rabbi at the Fire Island Synagogue, responds to an essay that argues synagogues should admit congregants regardless of vaccination status. The ...
2 Sep 2021
Tablet The Enforcers 14 Jul 2021
The relationship between Israel, Zionism, anti-Zionism, Jewish identity, and Jewish peoplehood is a topic of discussion among American Jewish opinion circles...
14 Jul 2021
Tablet ‘Feelings’ and the Israel/Palestine Conflict 3 Jun 2021
In this article, the author explores how discussions about Israel and Palestine in the American Jewish community often revolve around feelings rather than de...
3 Jun 2021