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Shaul Magid

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Tablet Who Owns the Black Hat? 14 Jan 2020
The discussion revolves around the academic study of Hasidism, focusing on a shift towards conservative interpretations known as neo-Haredim, challenging the...
14 Jan 2020
Tablet The Cross and the ‘Mechitza’: Thoughts on Ritual Pluralism 6 Nov 2019
The text explores the complexities of ritual pluralism within Jewish denominational spaces, focusing on the tensions between normative practices and deviant ...
6 Nov 2019
Tablet The Hasidic Underground 17 Sep 2019
In the ultra-Orthodox enclave of Boro Park, Brooklyn, diverse Hasidic groups settled in the mid-20th century, leading to the neighborhood transforming into a...
17 Sep 2019
Tablet When the Cost of Orthodoxy Is Too High 26 Nov 2018
Yale professor Eliyahu Stern challenges the common prediction of Orthodox Judaism dominating American Jewish life, questioning the sustainability of Orthodox...
26 Nov 2018
Tablet The Son, the King, and the Corrupt Torah 4 Sep 2018
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, in a sermon from 1930, presented a parable about a wise king's attempts to share his wisdom with his subjects through his son...
4 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books “Why Bother?” A Response 29 Aug 2013
In American Post-Judaism, the author argues that Jewish identity in America is in a state of decline or transition, with religion no longer being the primary...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Gaon of Modernity 18 Mar 2013
"The Genius: Elijah of Vilna and the Making of Modern Judaism" by Eliyahu Stern explores the life and ideas of Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman, known as the Vilna G...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Hasidim: An Underground History 27 Feb 2013
In "The Hasidim: An Underground History," Israeli historian David Assaf delves into the sordid and often forgotten history of the Hasidic movement in the 19t...
27 Feb 2013