"White Bird," a Holocaust-themed film starring Helen Mirren, presents a compelling story aimed at teaching children about empathy and morality. Developed fro...
Zionism, a multifaceted and often contentious ideology, has garnered unprecedented global attention, especially after the events of October 7, 2023, when Ham...
The Netflix series "Nobody Wants This," starring Adam Brody as a rabbi and Kristen Bell as his agnostic love interest, explores the dynamics of interfaith re...
In response to the catastrophic floods in Central Europe, particularly affecting Poland, Jewish and Israeli volunteers have joined relief efforts. The floods...
Benj Pasek, a notable Jewish songwriter, has entered the elite EGOT circle by winning an Emmy for his song in the Hulu series "Only Murders in the Building."...
Benj Pasek has achieved the rare EGOT status, making him the eighth Jewish artist to earn all four major awards: Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony. Pasek, alongs...
Fred Kormis, a German-Jewish artist, is receiving renewed attention at an exhibition at London's Wiener Holocaust Library that showcases his life and work. K...
Yoni Wieder, at 28, recently became Ireland's Chief Rabbi, taking leadership at a time of tension for the small Jewish community. With Ireland's critical sta...
The Kumiuk Bakery, established in 1944 in Lublin, Poland, rests on the historical grounds of a well-loved Jewish bakery owned by the Bajtel family, who peris...
Camp Ramah Yachad, a Jewish camp in Ukraine, offers a vital escape for children amid the ongoing war. Through sports and Jewish traditions, campers find sola...