Sholem Aleichem

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Jewish Review of Books Moshkeleh the Thief 21 Mar 2021
The article discusses a short novel by Sholem Aleichem called Moshkeleh Ganev, which was largely forgotten despite being published in 1903 and serialized in ...
21 Mar 2021
Tablet Why Darkness Befell Me on the Bright Festival of Simchat Torah 9 Oct 2020
The author, Kopel, reminisces about his childhood and his experience of Simchat Torah, a festive Jewish holiday. Despite growing up poor, he saves money from...
9 Oct 2020
Tablet Trying to Make a Living 17 Sep 2020
In this text, the narrator describes his experience of trying to sell leftover Jewish calendars in Odessa. He recounts how he approached a general at a cafe ...
17 Sep 2020