The discussion delves into the late Hebrew poet Lea Goldberg's work, focusing on her later poems as a departure from traditional forms and a reflection of he...
In Jonathan Safran Foer's novel "Here I Am," the story follows the unraveling of a marriage between Jacob and Julia, marked by infidelity and a series of sho...
"The Muses of Bashevis Singer" is a documentary exploring Isaac Bashevis Singer's relationships with translators and women to solve his translation challenge...
Daphne Merkin's new collection of essays, "The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Bronts, and the Importance of Handbags," explores themes of me...
"In the Illuminated Dark" is a collection of poetry by Israeli poet Tuvia Ruebner, dedicated to his sister who perished in the Holocaust. Ruebner's work refl...
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart is a dystopian novel set in a near-future America consumed by consumerism and obsessed with youth. The story fol...
Aharon Appelfeld's novel "Blooms of Darkness" explores the experiences of a Jewish child, Hugo, in war-torn Europe during the Holocaust. Drawing from his own...