The text discusses the relationship between Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and the prophet Moses, highlighting their roles as mod...
The writer reflects on their experiences of dressing up for Purim, exploring the holiday's theme of blurring boundaries and the transgressive nature of the c...
The author reflects on their late mother's attributes and their journey into Judaism. Despite not having a Jewish mother figure, they found a mentor and mate...
A person recounts their first experience of Simchat Torah before officially converting to Judaism. The celebration at Bnai Jeshurun synagogue in Manhattan ov...
The text is a personal reflection on the author's journey as a convert to Judaism and their struggle with Jewish food traditions, particularly around Passove...
The author shares their preference for Shavuot over Passover, particularly due to their affinity for mystical aspects of Judaism, influenced by the writings ...