Silvia Nacamulli

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Jewish Chronicle Buricche - Savoury parcels with tuna, olives and capers 12 Mar
These buricche are savory parcels with a rich history from Ferrara, Italy, where a diverse Jewish community once thrived. Combining Italian, Sephardi, and As...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Tofu 'steak' with sweet chilli sauce 26 Feb
This recipe offers a flavorful way to prepare tofu as a main course, suggesting the use of firm tofu for better texture. The tofu is cooked with sweet chili ...
26 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Raspberry jam heart tart (crostata) 13 Feb
This raspberry jam heart tart recipe provides a simple yet romantic twist on a classic crostata. The tart features a pastry base filled with raspberry jam an...
13 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Cavolo nero, fennel and orange salad 12 Jan
This recipe is for a healthy and refreshing salad featuring cavolo nero, fennel, and orange, along with olives, cranberries, and pecans. It emphasizes the im...
12 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Recipe: Loved up latkes 7 Dec 2023
This recipe introduces "Loved up latkes," heart-shaped latkes that can be enjoyed plain or enhanced with turmeric and ginger, topped with salmon roe or smoke...
7 Dec 2023