Marc Chagall, the renowned Belorussian-born French Jewish artist, is celebrated in the exhibition 'Dreaming in Color: Chagall and His Circle' at the M.S. Rau...
The documentary "Politics Is a Mother" captures the political journey of Loretta Weinberg, a formidable former New Jersey state senator, highlighting her adv...
The exhibition "Seeking Joy" at the Dr. Bernard Heller Museum, led by curator Phyllis Freedman and director Jean Bloch Rosensaft, showcases 50 selected works...
The film "The Goldman Case" by French filmmaker Cédric Kahn delves into the controversial 1975 trial of Pierre Goldman, a French Jewish intellectual who stoo...
"Unspoken" is a debut film by Jeremy Borison, depicting the journey of a young Modern Orthodox Jewish teenager, Noam, as he navigates his coming out and comi...
"Seven Blessings," an Israeli film, delves into the complex family dynamics and cultural tensions within a Moroccan Jewish family, highlighting traditions re...
Set in Nazi-occupied Paris in 1941, "Farewell, Mr. Haffmann," a French language film directed by Fred Cavay, portrays a morally complex narrative surrounding...
Ralph Gibson, a renowned photographer, delves into the multifaceted culture of Israel through his exhibit "Sacred Land," showcasing a blend of black and whit...
"Fire Dance" is a TV series set in a Haredi world, focusing on the complex relationship between a troubled young woman, Feigie, and a charismatic married rab...
Yury Kharchenko, a Russian-born Jewish artist based in Berlin, explores his complex identity as a contemporary Jew through his paintings that combine pop cul...