Stephen Pollard

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Jewish Chronicle Married At First Sight Australia review: Love IS a drug – and I’m hopelessly addicted 22 Mar
"Married At First Sight Australia" has captivated a viewer who initially dismissed it as mere TV crack but soon found themselves addicted to the show's drama...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle ‘Islamophobia’ is being used by Islamists to control debate 6 Mar
The author discusses how the concept of Islamophobia is being exploited by Islamists to stifle debate and criticism of Islam and its extremist elements under...
6 Mar
Jewish Chronicle UN has been captured by enemies of democracy 5 Mar
UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently highlighted the UN Security Council's deadlock over issues like Gaza and Ukraine, emphasizing the need for ser...
5 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The curious case of ahistorical historian William Dalrymple 28 Feb
Renowned historian William Dalrymple, known for his accolades in the field, has come under scrutiny for his recent social media posts focusing on Israel and ...
28 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The Speaker’s capitulation to the ‘Free Palestine’ mob is a dark day for democracy 22 Feb
The article discusses the Speaker of the House of Commons' decision to allow a vote on a Labour Party amendment due to fears for MPs' safety, seen as capitul...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle How TikTok is turning young minds against Israel and the West 1 Feb
TikTok is being highlighted as a platform influencing young individuals toward anti-Israel and anti-Western viewpoints through deliberate promotion of conten...
1 Feb