"Between the Temples" is a film that follows Cantor Ben Gottlieb, played by Jason Schwartzman, who works at a Reform synagogue in upstate New York and is str...
"June Zero," directed by Jake Paltrow, offers a unique perspective on the 1961 trial and 1962 execution of Nazi Adolf Eichmann by focusing on Israelis around...
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College's recent ordination ceremony highlighted divisions within the movement regarding Israel, as tensions surrounding Isr...
"Remembering Gene Wilder" is a documentary honoring the Jewish comedy legend Gene Wilder, known for his iconic roles in films like "The Producers," "Blazing ...
The documentary "God and Country," produced by Rob Reiner, delves into the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States, exploring its history from the...
Blazing Saddles, released 50 years ago, continues to generate controversy due to its use of racial and ethnic jokes, gay stereotypes, and offensive language....
The Bear, a drama series on FX and Hulu, has sparked controversy with its reference to "Jewish lightning." The term is used to describe arson aimed at collec...
At the premiere of his new film, The Fabelmans, Steven Spielberg discussed how his Jewish identity is portrayed in the autobiographical movie. The film, co-w...