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Steven Gotlib

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Lehrhaus Questioning Belief and Belief in Questions 29 Aug
In his book "Questioning Belief: Torah and Tradition in an Age of Doubt," Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, Dean of the London School of Jewish Studies, tackles the c...
29 Aug
Lehrhaus Judaism and Christianity: A Star-Crossed Affair? 8 May
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths,...
8 May
Lehrhaus Is Liberal Zionism Dead? 1 Apr
The text discusses the current crisis facing liberal Zionism, with a focus on the challenges of balancing progressive values with the reality of Israel's pol...
1 Apr
Lehrhaus Jewish Theology For a Neo-Traditional Age 15 Feb
In his book "The People, The Torah, The God: A Neo-Traditional Jewish Theology," Yehuda Gellman presents a neo-traditional theology that explores the concept...
15 Feb
Lehrhaus Neo-Hasidism and its Discontents 1 Jan
Neo-Hasidism, also known as Neo-Hasidut or Neo-Chassidus, is a growing phenomenon in the Jewish world that is impacting both Orthodox and non-Orthodox commun...
1 Jan
Lehrhaus The Odds of Orthodoxy 17 Jul 2023
In his book, "A Guide for the Jewish Undecided: A Philosopher Makes the Case for Orthodox Judaism," Rabbi Dr. Samuel Lebens presents a case for Orthodox Juda...
17 Jul 2023
Lehrhaus To Be, or Not to Be, a Holy People 27 Jun 2023
In his book, "To Be a Holy People," Rabbi Eugene Korn explores the question of whether traditional Jewish practices can be justified in light of modern under...
27 Jun 2023
Lehrhaus What’s Divine about Divine Revelation? 16 May 2023
In this article, Professor Tamar Ross clarifies her theology of revelation in response to criticism from other scholars. She argues that an infinite eternal ...
16 May 2023
Jewish Action The Revelation at Sinai: What Does “Torah from Heaven” Mean? 5 Mar 2023
"The Revelation at Sinai: What Does Torah from Heaven Mean?" is a collection of essays edited by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden that addresses t...
5 Mar 2023
Lehrhaus (How) Can we Know Orthodox Judaism is True? 21 Jun 2022
The book review discusses the question of how we can know if Orthodox Judaism is true. It explores the debate between Leo Strauss and Spinoza regarding the a...
21 Jun 2022