Stewart Ain

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Forward ‘They’re not alone’: A pair of cousins in Israel and Long Island help outfit IDF soldiers 14 Jun
Cousins Yael Levy in Israel and Terri Ackerman in Long Island have organized a team of 150 volunteers to supply IDF soldiers with gear like pocket knives, th...
14 Jun
Forward Should Jews attend a rally against antisemitism hosted by people who try to convert them? 3 Jun
The upcoming rally in Manhattan against antisemitism sponsored by Chosen People Ministries, a group that aims to convert Jews to Christianity, has provoked v...
3 Jun
JTA NYC’s Israel parade this year will stress solidarity — and security — over celebration 28 May
The Israel parade on Fifth Avenue this year will emphasize solidarity and security over celebration, with the theme of "Bring them home" calling for the rele...
28 May
Forward ‘We have failed’: A conversation with the parents of an Israeli hostage 16 Apr
Omer Neutra, a Jewish American who served in the Israeli army, was taken hostage by Hamas. In an interview with his parents, they express concern that intern...
16 Apr
Forward Since Oct. 7, Stars of David and Israeli flags have been flying off the shelves 17 Mar
Following a surge in sales of Jewish and Israeli-themed items since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2024, sellers like Yafa Black in Florida and online vend...
17 Mar
Forward ‘I don’t belong’: A Jewish student leaves Occidental College over wartime protests 13 Jan
An anonymous Jewish student at Occidental College in Los Angeles has decided not to return for the spring semester due to the anti-Israel and antisemitic vie...
13 Jan
Forward He made 613 paintings of commandments and 915 collages of proverbs — but who's got room to show them all? 11 Jan
Archie Rand, a Brooklyn artist, gained attention for his paintings of all 613 commandments in 2006. Surprised by its success, Rand recently completed 915 col...
11 Jan
Forward For Jewish seniors who can't visit loved ones' graves on their own, free rides and a prayer book 7 Jul 2023
Dorot, a New York-based nonprofit, revived its Cemetery Visits program for seniors, helping them visit loved ones' graves with volunteers. Irene Weiser, 96, ...
7 Jul 2023
Forward 'Happy hour' for Holocaust deniers? Yad Vashem chief anticipates the death of the last survivor. 2 Jun 2023
The chairman of Yad Vashem, Dani Dayan, expressed concerns about the suppression of Holocaust scholarship in Poland, including the recent incident where a ri...
2 Jun 2023