The Netflix series "Nobody Wants This," starring Kristen Bell and Adam Brody, has become a subject of discussion due to its portrayal of Jewish culture and s...
Mitch Frohman, a Jewish musician from the Bronx, shares his remarkable journey as a saxophonist and flutist who toured the world with Latin jazz legend Tito ...
Apple TV+'s "Lady in the Lake," directed by Israeli-born Alma Harel, is a gripping series that intertwines themes of race and gender within the context of 19...
"We Were the Lucky Ones" on Hulu shines a light on the importance of faith and family in surviving hardship, depicting a Polish Jewish family's struggles dur...
"Bella! This Woman's Place Is in the House" is a recent documentary exploring the life and legacy of Bella Abzug, a prominent Jewish activist and politician ...