Tanya Singer

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Tablet Tie a Yellow Ribbon 30 May
Crafters around the world, from New York to Tel Aviv to Paris, are coming together to knit yellow ribbons with varying designs to show solidarity with the 12...
30 May
JTA This Israeli designer is bringing her Oct. 7-inspired shawl to Manhattan’s Vogue Knitting Live conference 25 Jan
Israeli designer Liza Rodrig is attending the Vogue Knitting Live conference in New York City to showcase her shawl design, inspired by the events of October...
25 Jan
JTA This Israeli designer is bringing her Oct. 7-inspired shawl to Manhattan’s Vogue Knitting Live conference 25 Jan
Liza Rodrig, an Israeli designer and knitting enthusiast, is attending the Vogue Knitting Live conference in New York to showcase a shawl she created in resp...
25 Jan