In the aftermath of a recent Hamas attack on Israel, Jews around the world have been closely following the news and experiencing a sense of emotional upheava...
This article provides a brief overview of recent events in Israel and suggests that the United States, under the Biden administration, has played a significa...
The 17th of Tammuz is a day in the Jewish calendar that commemorates various historical tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people. It marks the beginnin...
This article discusses the changing dynamics in the Middle East and the potential for an alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia. It explains that the old C...
The "Disinfo Dictionary" provides brief descriptions of various terms related to disinformation, censorship, and government control over media and informatio...
The Tabbies, hosted by Tablet magazine, are awards given to the most inspiring, surprising, and altruistic efforts of the past year. This year's winners incl...
Tablet Top Tens is a collection of articles from Jewish media. The articles cover a range of topics including politics, culture, history, and personal storie...
Tablet LA is embarking on a new project to explore Jewish life in Los Angeles, a city with a rich Jewish history thanks to Jewish garment cutters who establi...
Tablet Magazine is seeking to hire a cheerleader-in-chief to oversee marketing, public relations, and audience development for their podcasts. The role invol...
Tablet is accepting applications for their fall 2021 journalism fellowship. The program, led by Mark Oppenheimer, will provide participants with mentorship, ...