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The Editors

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Tablet Brookings Responds to Tablet Piece on Qatar Funding 2 Oct 2014
Brookings Institution, in response to accusations by Lee Smith about Martin Indyk and Qatar funding, clarified that the $14.8 million from Qatar was a pledge...
2 Oct 2014
Tablet Tablet Gives Moses Award to Ayaan Hirsi Ali 10 Apr 2014
In response to Brandeis University's controversial decision to revoke an honorary degree from activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Tablet Magazine has awarded her its i...
10 Apr 2014
Tablet Comparing Apples to Apples 13 Sep 2012
Tablet magazine conducted a taste test at Manhattan's Union Square Farmers Market involving six locally grown apple varieties - Red Delicious, Honeycrisp, Pr...
13 Sep 2012
Tablet Christmas FAQ 25 Dec 2011
For Jewish individuals, Christmas is often not celebrated as a religious holiday but rather as a time to partake in activities like going to the movies and e...
25 Dec 2011
Tablet Shavuot FAQ 12 May 2010
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites, marked by eating dairy products, staying up to study, and maintaining fe...
12 May 2010
Tablet Purim FAQ 25 Feb 2010
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia. It starts on Monday, March 6, 2023, and end...
25 Feb 2010
Tablet Tablet’s Guide to Hanukkah 10 Dec 2009
Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in the 2nd century BCE after the Maccabees' successful upr...
10 Dec 2009
Tablet Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah FAQ 9 Oct 2009
Shemini Atzeret, following Sukkot, marks the beginning of praying for rain, while Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion and restarting of the Torah reading...
9 Oct 2009
Tablet Sukkot FAQ 1 Oct 2009
Sukkot, a holiday marking the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, is celebrated by building temporary dwellings called sukkahs where meals are eaten and s...
1 Oct 2009
Tablet Yom Kippur FAQ 21 Sep 2009
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, occurring on September 27-28 in 2020, where Jews fast, repent, and seek forgiveness for sins. It is the most significant ...
21 Sep 2009