"Ben-Hur" is an iconic tale that has transcended various forms of media throughout history, originating in a novel by General Lew Wallace in 1880 and achievi...
Billy Wilder, a prominent figure in Hollywood renowned for films like "Double Indemnity" and "Some Like It Hot," was a prolific writer and director whose wit...
"The City Without Jews" examines the eerie vision presented in the 1924 film, set in a troubled fictional land where anti-Semitic sentiment leads to the forc...
Salka Viertel, a prominent figure in European stage acting and Hollywood screenwriting during the first half of the 20th century, is celebrated not only for ...
Between 1939 and 1941, Hollywood made a series of films with a strong anti-Nazi message, defying typical entertainment norms. MGM's "The Mortal Storm" stood ...
"A Night at the Garden" is a concise documentary capturing the chilling 1939 Nazi-themed rally by the German American Bund at Madison Square Garden, filled w...
The text discusses the banality of the Eichmann trial, highlighting Adolf Eichmann's role as an ordinary German bureaucrat who orchestrated the Holocaust, fo...
"Hitler's Hollywood" by German documentarian Rdiger Suchsland delves into the world of Nazi cinema from 1933 to 1945, exploring the films made under the regi...
To Be or Not to Be is a 1942 classic film directed by Ernst Lubitsch, exploring Nazi-occupied Poland with a mix of black comedy and wartime drama. The movie ...
"None Shall Escape" is a groundbreaking but largely forgotten Hollywood film from 1943 that envisioned the Holocaust before it was widely known. Directed by ...