Todd Gitlin

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Tablet This Passover, It’s Fitting to Honor Harriet Tubman, The Anti-Slavery Hero Who Was Known as ‘Moses’ 22 Apr 2016
Harriet Tubman, known as "Moses" for her courageous efforts in leading slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad, had a significant impact on Africa...
22 Apr 2016
Tablet The Servile Fanatic: Niall Ferguson’s Grotesque but Telling New Biography of Henry Kissinger 28 Oct 2015
The text critiques historian Niall Ferguson's biography of Henry Kissinger, highlighting how Ferguson portrays Kissinger as a reasonable statesman-hero, igno...
28 Oct 2015
Tablet Fifty Years After the March on Washington 17 Apr 2015
Fifty years after the March on Washington protesting the Vietnam War, the article reflects on the gathering's significance and the antiwar movement that foll...
17 Apr 2015