Tova Cohen

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Jewish Action How Students are Responding to Antisemitism 9 Mar
In response to the recent surge of antisemitism on college campuses and in public high schools, many students are embracing their Jewish identity more openly...
9 Mar
Tablet Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Zoom Me a Match 12 Feb 2021
The traditional Jewish matchmaker role, embodied by Fiddler on the Roof's Yente, has evolved into communal crowdsourced matchmaking in the digital age, parti...
12 Feb 2021
Tablet Let’s Talk About Sex…or Not? 20 Oct 2020
"Monologues from the Makom" is a collection of essays and poems by observant Jewish women exploring intimate topics like female sexuality within the Orthodox...
20 Oct 2020
Tablet Getting Married During a Pandemic 17 Apr 2020
The author recounts the challenges faced in getting married during a pandemic, from the initial dread of canceling or postponing the wedding to the eventual ...
17 Apr 2020
Tablet The Darker Side of the Festival of Lights 17 Dec 2019
The text describes the author's difficult first Hanukkah as a single mother, grappling with the challenges of managing a household alone after a contentious ...
17 Dec 2019
Tablet Doing Birthright as a Mother of Two 5 Sep 2018
A 32-year-old mother of two reflects on her experience participating in Birthright, a trip to Israel aimed at young Jewish adults. Despite not fitting the ty...
5 Sep 2018
Tablet The Collegiate Sock Fairy Who Warms the Feet of New York’s Homeless 8 Sep 2016
Adina Lichtman, a student at New York University, began a campus initiative called Knock Knock Give a Sock after realizing the importance of socks to the hom...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet Liberating Myself, Just in Time for Passover 21 Apr 2016
The writer reflects on her journey towards self-liberation and self-acceptance following her divorce, particularly in the context of celebrating Pesach witho...
21 Apr 2016
Tablet A Battle Heats Up—Over Purim Packages 2 Mar 2015
The tradition of mishloach manot, giving food packages on Purim, has evolved into a competitive and extravagant display of creativity among Jewish families, ...
2 Mar 2015
Tablet Sampling the Latest Trends in Kosher Food 14 Nov 2014
Kosherfest, a renowned two-day kosher food expo, featured various trends in kosher food this year, including the arrival of Israels Marzipan Bakery in Americ...
14 Nov 2014