Tova Warburg Sinensky

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Lehrhaus The Ending of All Endings: In memory of my Zeida, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, zt”l 3 Jun 2020
This eulogy reflects on the life and impact of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, as remembered by his granddaughter. The author emphasizes the personal relationship she...
3 Jun 2020
Lehrhaus Supporting Women’s Avodat Hashem Across the Lifespan: Reflections and Recommendations 22 Feb 2018
The text presents a symposium on women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on their religious experiences and how to support them throughout their lives in...
22 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus Why Are There Empty Chairs in the Beit Midrash?: Updating the Communal Agenda 31 Oct 2017
The article discusses the ongoing debate around the inclusion of women in intensive Torah study, particularly focusing on the need to update communal attitud...
31 Oct 2017