Tzvi Novick

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Lehrhaus “I Would Soar to the Sphere of Heaven”: Aleph and “I” in a Tishah be-Av Lament 4 Aug 2022
The author discusses the structure and features of the book of Lamentations, which is focused on the destruction of the Jewish temple. The acrostic nature of...
4 Aug 2022
Lehrhaus Yatziv Pitgam: Poetry as Talmud Commentary 14 May 2021
Tzvi Novick explores the piyyut (liturgical poem) "Yatziv Pitgam" written by Rabbenu Tam in the 12th century. Novick argues that the piyyut is a reflection o...
14 May 2021
Lehrhaus The Poetry of the Land 2 May 2017
The modern Hebrew poems "Kinneret" by Rachel Bluwstein and "Pine" by Leah Goldberg, featured on Israel's new 20- and 100-shekel notes, explore nature and tim...
2 May 2017