The article explores the teachings of Behag (Baal Halakhot Gedolot) on the counting of the Omer, challenging the common understanding as presented in later a...
The text delves into the inclusion of mikra bikkurim, the farmers' declaration, in the Haggadah as the basis for discussing the Exodus miracles and the choic...
The article explores the biblical roots of the Jewish tradition of repentance during the month of Elul. While the popular belief links this time to Moses' as...
Tu be-Av, a day described by the Mishnah as one of the happiest in the Jewish calendar, has its origins intertwined with a story in the Book of Judges about ...
The legend of Narcissus, as retold by Ovid, involves a young man overly obsessed with his own beauty, leading to tragic consequences. In contrast, in a Talmu...
The ongoing debate spurred by the Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has revealed a breakdown in trust ...
Tzvi Sinensky responds to Rabbi Herzl Hefter's discussion on the Akeidah, highlighting two main interpretations - The Problem of Choice and The Problem of He...
Rabbi Shalom Noah Berezovsky, also known as The Slonimer, has achieved significant popularity and deep affection among readers for his Hasidic work, Netivot ...