Four feminist law professors at Harvard Law School, including Janet Halley and Jeannie Suk Gersen, have criticized the unfairness of campus Title IX tribunal...
A recent survey of 8,000 Americans reveals that the majority, including people of all ages, races, and educational levels, oppose political correctness, view...
The article discusses the academic achievements of Asian-American students at schools like Harvard, attributing their success to their work ethic and dedicat...
Jordan Peterson, a controversial Canadian psychology professor turned YouTube sensation, is depicted as a polarizing figure facing scrutiny and criticism in ...
Gregor von Rezzori, a writer born in 1914 in Czernowitz, experienced the demise of the Hapsburg empire and became a refugee early in life, never able to retu...
The term "microaggressions" refers to subtle, often unintentional, discriminatory remarks or actions that can have harmful effects on individuals, particular...
The text explores the complex position of Asian-Americans in America's racial dynamics, highlighting their exclusion from diversity initiatives, historical c...
Bari Weiss faced criticism after tweeting a quote referencing immigrants that was misconstrued as targeting an American-born Olympian. The incident sparked a...
The text explores the implications and complexities of feminism in contemporary society, addressing issues such as gender equality, feminist empowerment, and...
In 1993, Henry Louis Gates Jr. critiqued the rising movement to ban hate speech, pointing out a contradiction in its premise that hate speech was structurall...