Yair Rosenberg

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Tablet The Palestinian Vaccine Fiasco 8 Jul 2021
The article discusses the "Palestinian vaccine fiasco," highlighting how a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to transfer Pfizer vaccines to t...
8 Jul 2021
Tablet Netanyahu’s Next Act 25 Jun 2021
Although Benjamin Netanyahu has been replaced as prime minister of Israel, he has no intention of fading away. He plans to reclaim his role as the country's ...
25 Jun 2021
Tablet Israel’s New Post-Netanyahu Government, Explained 3 Jun 2021
Israel has a new government without Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time in 12 years. Yair Lapid, the opposition leader, managed to form a coalition consist...
3 Jun 2021
Tablet Why Conspiracy Theorists Like Marjorie Taylor Greene Always Land on the Jews 1 Feb 2021
The article discusses the pattern of conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene often ending up targeting Jews. It highlights Greene's history of suppo...
1 Feb 2021
Tablet Europe’s Highest Court Gives Its Approval to Attempts to Outlaw Jewish and Muslim Life 23 Dec 2020
The highest court in Europe recently upheld several Belgian regional bans on kosher and halal animal slaughter, which cuts off a local source of meat for obs...
23 Dec 2020
Tablet Remembering Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020) 12 Nov 2020
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, passed away at the age of 72. Known for his extensive writing and ability to connect with a d...
12 Nov 2020
Tablet There’s a Way to Avert the Looming Coronavirus Crisis in Hasidic Brooklyn. But the City Needs to Choose It Right Now. 8 Oct 2020
The article discusses the recent protests and violence in Hasidic Brooklyn against coronavirus regulations, including the burning of masks and attacks on cou...
8 Oct 2020
Tablet Exclusive Social Media App ‘Clubhouse’ Had an Anti-Semitic Meltdown Over Yom Kippur 30 Sep 2020
The exclusive social media app Clubhouse, which is valued at $100 million and has not yet been publicly released, recently experienced an anti-Semitic meltdo...
30 Sep 2020
Tablet The Best Mail-Order Kosher Food You’ve Never Heard Of 8 Sep 2020
This article provides a guide to lesser-known mail-order kosher food businesses that offer a diverse range of products. The businesses highlighted include Th...
8 Sep 2020
Tablet No, White Supremacist Richard Spencer Didn’t Seriously Endorse Joe Biden 25 Aug 2020
Alt-right figure Richard Spencer, known for his white supremacist views, recently tweeted in support of Joe Biden, leading to some confusion and even endorse...
25 Aug 2020