Yardena Schwartz

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Tablet October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron 8 Nov 2023
The article discusses the Hebron massacre of 1929, which was a gruesome pogrom that took place before the establishment of the State of Israel. Around 3,000 ...
8 Nov 2023
Tablet Just Outside Hiroshima, a Holocaust Education Center Flourishes 14 Jun 2018
In Japan, a unique connection exists between the Japanese Christian community and Israel, highlighted by the story of Reverend Makoto Otsuka and his Holocaus...
14 Jun 2018
Tablet Oktoberfest Was Invented by Jews 18 Sep 2017
Oktoberfest, the iconic German beer festival, has a lesser-known Jewish heritage. Prior to WWII, German Jews were instrumental in building the country's beer...
18 Sep 2017
Tablet Frauke Petry, the New Face of Germany’s Anti-Immigrant Right 8 Feb 2017
Frauke Petry is the leader of the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD), a nationalist party in Germany known for its anti-immigrant stance and desire to preserv...
8 Feb 2017
Tablet How the State of Israel Abuses Holocaust Survivors 26 Jan 2017
Holocaust survivors in Israel, like 92-year-old Rosa Zuta, have faced challenges accessing government assistance despite Germany providing billions in repara...
26 Jan 2017
Tablet Living Word From a Dead World 4 Nov 2015
After surviving Auschwitz and the atrocities of the Holocaust, Tzipora Shapiro felt guilt for being the sole survivor among her family. Her emotional journey...
4 Nov 2015
Tablet An Interview with Israel’s Most Wanted Man, Rabbi Yehuda Glick 10 Dec 2014
Yehuda Glick, a prominent figure advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was shot four times by a Palestinian assailant in an a...
10 Dec 2014