"Israelism," a documentary by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, follows the journeys of young American Jews Simone Zimmerman and Eitan from passionate advocate...
Yehuda Kurtzer argues that North American Liberal Judaism faces a severe shortage of rabbis due to high retirement rates and declining enrollment in seminari...
The author reflects on his initial support for Israel's war in Gaza and grapples with the tough questions raised by critics. He cites the late Israeli author...
This in-depth piece explores the moral and political responsibilities of Israel as a sovereign state, particularly in times of conflict. Key themes include t...
This article delves into the concept of "the idea of the idea" within the context of liberal Zionism, which reflects broader themes in Jewish and religious c...
The article explores the challenges and complexities of sustaining Jewish pluralism amidst diverse ideological and denominational divides. It examines instan...