Yitzhak Bronstein

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Tablet Rosh Hashanah Behind Bars 5 Sep 2018
The author recounts their experience leading Rosh Hashanah services for Jewish inmates at Rikers Island, emphasizing the profound impact of connecting with t...
5 Sep 2018
Tablet Protesters Take Aim at Whole Foods CEO and His Link to Marc Gafni 25 May 2016
Protesters gathered at a Whole Foods store to oppose CEO John Mackey's connection with former rabbi Marc Gafni, who has been accused of abuses of power, incl...
25 May 2016
Tablet Arab Food Festival a Big Draw in Haifa 10 Dec 2015
Haifa hosted Israel's first Arab food festival as part of the 22nd Holiday of Holidays celebration of Jewish-Arab coexistence. The festival aimed to introduc...
10 Dec 2015
Tablet Adam Zertal, Israeli Archaeologist Who Identified Joshua’s Altar at Mt. Ebal, Dies at 79 21 Oct 2015
Adam Zertal, a respected Israeli archaeologist and advocate for using the Hebrew Bible in archaeological research, has passed away at 79. Known for his work ...
21 Oct 2015
Tablet Israelis Are Using Humor to Cope With Recent Surge in Violence 15 Oct 2015
In response to a surge in violence in Israel, including recent terrorist attacks, Israelis are turning to humor as a coping mechanism. Some are engaging in s...
15 Oct 2015
Tablet Yom Kippur in a Buddhist Monastery 22 Sep 2015
This text describes a Jewish traveler's experience observing Yom Kippur at a Buddhist meditation center in India. Despite seeking a departure from his Orthod...
22 Sep 2015