Yossi Krausz

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Ami Too Much Info on the Hostage Rescue? // Why is Israel so open about the details? 19 Jun
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant praised the June 8 rescue of four hostages from Gaza as heroic in the midst of ongoing conflict. While the rescue broug...
19 Jun
Ami What Do Americans Really Think About Israel? // A recent poll shows some light amid the darkness 27 Mar
Despite recent criticism and PR challenges facing Israel in the US, a Pew Research Center survey suggests that Israel still enjoys more support among America...
27 Mar
Ami What Do Americans Really Think About Israel? // A recent poll shows some light amid the darkness 27 Mar
A recent Pew Research Center survey indicates that while Israel is facing some challenges in public opinion due to ongoing conflicts and PR struggles, overal...
27 Mar
Ami Fighting for Focus at Fabuwood // Joel Epstein, the CEO of Fabuwood, decided to change his company’s policy about smartphones. 6 Mar
CEO Joel Epstein of Fabuwood, a chasidic-owned custom-cabinetry manufacturer, instituted a policy banning smartphones at work and encouraged employees to lim...
6 Mar
Ami Is Kamala Harris Influencing Israel Policy // Understanding where the vice president stands in White House policy 3 Jan
Vice President Kamala Harris has been rumored to be pushing President Biden for a more sympathetic policy towards the Palestinians and a harder line on Israe...
3 Jan
Ami Is War with Hezbollah Inevitable? // With tens of thousands evacuated, the north’s safety is in question 20 Dec 2023
The threat posed by Hezbollah to northern Israeli communities has led to the evacuation of tens of thousands of people. The ongoing conflict between Israel a...
20 Dec 2023
Ami Closer Look-Threats on Campus // How seriously is anti-Semitic behavior on college campuses threatening Jewish students? Can anything be done about it? 13 Dec 2023
Anti-Semitic behavior on college campuses is a serious threat to Jewish students. Incidents of harassment, death threats, and violence have been reported acr...
13 Dec 2023
Ami Is There a Mole in the State Department? // Iran envoy Robert Malley faces the heat as an Iranian newspaper reveals disturbing details 6 Sep 2023
The latest controversy surrounding Robert Malley, the Biden administration's special envoy for Iran, raises concerns about a potential mole in the State Depa...
6 Sep 2023
Ami Why Is There a Crime Explosion Among Arab Israelis? // A Massive String of Homicides has Begun Targeting Politicians 30 Aug 2023
Israel is currently facing a surge in murders, with a particular focus on the Arab Israeli sector. The government has been criticized for not effectively add...
30 Aug 2023
Ami Two Years Later… How Devastated Is Afghanistan?// The Taliban’s Rule and Misrule 23 Aug 2023
Since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan two years ago, the country has largely been forgotten by the outside world. While the US intervention aime...
23 Aug 2023