Zev Stub

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JTA Jewish community professionals find leadership training and support in unique MA program 26 Jun
The Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago offers a unique Masters of Arts in Jewish Professional Studies (MAJPS) program designed t...
26 Jun
JTA US campuses are roiled by unrest. How have Israeli colleges filled with Arabs and Jews managed to stay calm? 13 May
Israeli colleges, with a mix of Jewish and Arab students, have managed to remain calm despite the conflict in Gaza, contrasting with the unrest on US campuse...
13 May
JTA Brazilian chef David Hertz is using food to bring about social change 2 May
Brazilian Jewish chef David Hertz is utilizing food as a tool for social change in Brazil. For over 20 years, he has been running projects like Gastromotiva,...
2 May
JTA One Jewish law school’s unusually flexible study program: Classes on Sundays only 5 Mar
Touro Law Center offers a unique FlexTime JD program designed for students who cannot commit to full-time classes, with only in-person Sunday classes and fle...
5 Mar
JTA A Jewish institution asks: What does Judaism have to say about AI? 4 Mar
Spertus Institute, a Chicago-based Jewish institution, is hosting a free online event titled "Critical Conversations: Artificial Intelligence, Jewish Ethics,...
4 Mar