Daily Podcasts Video Research
2. Jewish Life in Visigothic Spain pt. I (The History of Sephardic Jewry)
22 Sep 2024 star 0 History Communities
The lecture delves into the early Jewish experience in Visigothic Spain, focusing on the perceptions held by early Church fathers and the implications of the Synod of Elvira on Jewish communities. It explores how these religious figures and edicts shaped interactions between Jews and Christians, setting the stage for future tensions and societal structures in the region. This examination is part of a broader study into the complex history of Sephardic Jewry, providing insights into their religious, social, and political circumstances under Visigothic rule.
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Cairo Item ID 30414
Cairo Source ID 57
Retrieved 2024-09-23 05:30:37 UTC
Curated 2024-09-23 08:31:11 UTC