Daily Podcasts Video Research
6. Maimonides (History of Sepharidic Jewry)
17 Nov 2024 star 0 History Philosophy
The lecture on Maimonides, part of the "History of Sephardic Jewry" series, delves into the life and influence of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, a preeminent medieval Jewish philosopher and legal codifier. Often referred to as the Rambam, Maimonides was a cornerstone of Jewish thought and significantly influenced both Jewish and Islamic scholars through his works such as the "Mishneh Torah" and "Guide for the Perplexed." His contributions, deeply rooted in the Sephardic tradition, highlight the intellectual flowering in regions such as Andalusia, Morocco, and Egypt, where Maimonides lived and wrote during the Jewish Golden Age. The lecture offers insight into his philosophical ideas, legacy in Jewish law, and role in the broader context of Jewish and world history.
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Cairo Item ID 36309
Cairo Source ID 57
Retrieved 2024-11-18 05:31:08 UTC
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