Daily Podcasts Video Research

Freeland of Expression

JL;DR SUMMARY Amidst major political upheavals in Canada's federal government, the hosts unpack the impact of public resignations and political shifts for the Jewish community and Canadian society at large. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski.

  • At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself.
  • This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude.
  • Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from.
  • But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
  • And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.
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Jewish CommunityIdentity PoliticsCampus CultureConservative PartyLiberal PartyCanadian PoliticsBroken PencilHal NiedzvieckiChrystia FreelandArts And Free Speech

Places mentioned

"students continue to adopt an anti-Israel and, in some cases, anti-Jewish perspective."
"I cover campus life and education for the Canadian Jewish News."
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"They've occupied my alma mater, University of Toronto, and have made every, you know, person who disagrees with them, especially people of the Jewish faith and culture, feel incredible."
New Brunswick, Canada
"Growing up in small town New Brunswick was indeed a cultural wasteland where originality and uniqueness."
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Retrieved 2024-12-20 05:30:42 UTC
Curated 2024-12-20 06:03:29 UTC