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Surviving The Nova Festival Massacre Changed My Life
1 Sep star 0 Communities Ethics
Yona Assaraf, along with her husband Roi, recounts their transformative journey following the harrowing experience of surviving the Nova Festival massacre on October 7th. Their brush with mortality prompted a deep spiritual reassessment and led them to embrace Orthodox Judaism. Yona shares her decision to adopt traditional Jewish practices, including hair covering, wearing skirts, observing Shabbat, and leading an Orthodox lifestyle. This narrative highlights the couple's profound shift in identity as they navigate faith and healing in the wake of trauma, shedding light on resilience and spiritual awakening following adversity.
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Cairo Item ID 28861
Cairo Source ID 65
Retrieved 2024-09-01 06:00:55 UTC
Curated 2024-09-01 07:01:01 UTC