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What Are POLICE For? | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.44 (Shoftim)
5 Sep star 0 Jewish Law Leadership
In the latest episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole, the focus centers on Parshat Shoftim from the Torah, which delves into the establishment of justice through the systems of judges and officers. This discussion explores how these concepts translate into the role of police within Jewish thought, examining their responsibilities in maintaining law and order according to Judaism. The conversation also touches on the role of cantors, linking themes of leadership and service within the Jewish community to broader religious frameworks. The episode aims to deepen understanding of these societal roles and their significance within a Jewish context.
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Cairo Item ID 29050
Cairo Source ID 59
Retrieved 2024-09-05 06:00:59 UTC
Curated 2024-09-05 07:00:23 UTC