Daily Podcasts Video Research

Halacha Headlines

Headlines Halacha is a weekly podcast that analyzes all current events through the prism of the Torah. All contemporary issues in the Jewish world and the world at large are discussed and debated with Rabbanim, lay leaders and professional from around the globe. From Halacha to Hashkafa – no issue is too big or too thorny to tackle. Headlines Halacha is hosted by Dovid Lichtenstein. Dovid studied for five years in the Mirrer Yeshivah. He has authored several volumes of Mishna Acharonah on the Mishna Berura, in additions to the Headlines book series based on the podcast.
7 Mar
3/8/25 – Shiur 505 – Purim – Fascinating Sources for our Minhagim | Bringing Simcha into our lives – The stories behind "Bardak" and Suki & Ding
This episode of Halacha Headlines delves into the customs and sources of the joyous Jewish festival of Purim, exploring traditions such as Taanis Esther and the meaning behind costumes and Purim Torah. Special guests Meni Wakshtock of "Bardak" and Dovid Nachman Golding of "Suki and Ding" discuss their contributions to Jewish entertainment and how comedy can be used to foster joy and community in the Torah world.
27 Feb
3/1/25 – Shiur 504 – Hamas’ (and Iran’s) depravity - when our enemies know no limits: Should We? Do we need to act morally when dealing with an immoral enemy?
This episode of Halacha Headlines with host Ari Wasserman delves into the moral considerations of how Israel and Jews should respond to the immoral actions of Hamas and Iran, especially in times of war. Rabbi Meir Tversky, Itamar Marcus, and Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody explore the ethical implications of swapping terrorists for captives, the strategic handling of international criticism, and the moral complexities of dealing with Hamas's tactics of using human shields.
21 Feb
2/22/25 – Shiur 503 – “Recharging Ambition”: How We Can Inspire an Un-Motivated Generation
Discussion centers on motivating a seemingly apathetic generation within Jewish communities, focusing on developing personal responsibility and ambition. Key areas include the impact of technology on motivation, the challenges of instilling resilience, and the role of Torah learning and ethical conduct in personal growth.
14 Feb
2/15/25 – Shiur 502 – Trump's disengagement plan for Gaza – Is Gaza Halachically part of Eretz Yisroel?
Discussing the question of whether Gaza is considered part of Eretz Yisrael, David Lichtenstein invites Rabbi Yissochor Dov Krakowski and Rabbi Ari Waxman to explore the halachic and historical perspectives. The conversation touches on topics like Trumas and Maaseros, Kevura, and the historical presence of Jewish life in Gaza, referencing various rabbinic sources and historical events.
6 Feb
2/8/25 – Shiur 501 – Roommates – what are the major areas of conflict? Are there ways to resolve them?
Roommates often face conflicts over cleanliness, different kashrut standards, and ethical questions about shared spaces. Through halachic guidance and fostering communication, these issues can be approached with sensitivity, reflecting core Jewish values.
30 Jan
1/25/25 – Shiur 500 – “Every shul has one” – dealing with the person who disturbs everyone
This episode delves into challenges faced by synagogues when dealing with disruptive individuals during services, exploring both psychological and communal responses. Experts discuss strategies for fostering a respectful environment while balancing compassion for those with possible mental health issues.
24 Jan
1/25/25 – Shiur 499 – The Hostage Ransom – Negotiation or Capitulation?
The episode features discussions on the complex ethical and security implications of hostage ransom negotiations with groups like Hamas in Israel. Experts weigh in on the religious, political, and military considerations of such exchanges, highlighting the tension between immediate rescue and long-term security risks.
16 Jan
1/18/25 – Shiur 498 – Should each community have a “Rebbetzin” to teach, advise and inspire the women?
The podcast discusses the role and impact of Rebbetzins and women's learning programs in Jewish communities, highlighting differences in approach across various Jewish denominations. It examines the motivations and benefits of such programs and the importance of Torah study, mentorship, and other forms of community engagement for women.
10 Jan
1/11/25 – Shiur 497 – "Gentle Parenting” is in, discipline is out - Should parents discipline their children, or is that only for prior generations?
The episode explores the shift towards gentle parenting and its impact compared to traditional disciplinary methods. Experts discuss the balance between discipline, love, and understanding in effective parenting.
2 Jan
1/4/25 – Shiur 496 – The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story
The episode delves into the complexities and controversies surrounding the Heter Meah Rabbanim, particularly focusing on a contentious case where a husband withheld a get for ten years. Experts and involved parties discuss the legal, ethical, and halachic implications of using such a provision, highlighting the severe consequences it can pose for agunot and the Jewish community.
26 Dec 2024
12/28/24 – Shiur 495 – How should we behave in Galus? Should we try to blend in and keep a low profile?
The episode examines how Jews should navigate their identity and visibility while living in predominantly non-Jewish societies, especially in light of antisemitism. Experts share perspectives on maintaining Jewish customs and values, like wearing a yarmulke at work or displaying Hanukkah lights publicly, balanced with the realities of antisemitic environments.
20 Dec 2024
12/21/24 – Shiur 494 – How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure
Ari Wasserman hosts a discussion on how to help children resist peer pressure, featuring insights from Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, Rabbi Yisroel and Mrs. Elisheva Kamenetsky, and Dr. Debbie Akerman. The episode explores strategies for parents and educators to immunize children against negative influences and encourage positive social interactions.
12 Dec 2024
12/14/24 – Shiur 493 – What it Takes to release an Agunah | Presidential Pardon – Pardons in Halacha – The Torah approach to pardons
The episode delves into the challenges and legal intricacies of releasing an Agunah, featuring fascinating cases from Jewish law and biblical narratives about pardons. Discussions include the legal, ethical, and emotional complexities involved in compelling a get, and the Torah's perspective on these issues.
5 Dec 2024
12/7/24 – Shiur 492 – The new initiative to draft Chareidim into the army. Should Yeshiva boys draft into the all-Charedi “Chashmonaim” Brigade?
The episode discusses the controversial topic of drafting Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), exploring religious, societal, and logistical challenges and perspectives. Various experts provide insights on whether adjustments in army practices could lessen Haredi resistance and how learning Torah factors into the discussion of national obligations.
29 Nov 2024
11/23/24 – Shiur 491 – Do we need to give when collectors ask for Tzedakah? What if it’s during davening, or a solicitation via mail or email?
The episode delves into the complex questions surrounding the responsibility of giving tzedakah, or charity, especially when confronted by potentially inauthentic or undeserving collectors. Discussions span the obligations during davening, collectors who refuse to work, and cultural norms of collecting charity as a livelihood, addressing both the perspectives of halacha and community practices.
22 Nov 2024
11/23/24 – Shiur 490 – Can a Rav ever be Meikil on an עבירה to prevent a more serious עבירה?
Exploring the permissibility of leniency in Jewish law, this episode delves into whether it is ever acceptable for a rabbi to allow a minor infraction to prevent a more serious violation. Various scenarios are discussed through the lens of halacha, with insights from prominent rabbis such as Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz and Rabbi Shay Tahan.
15 Nov 2024
11/16/24 – Shiur 489 – How long should you date before getting engaged? How long does it take to get to know the other person?
This episode features discussions on the appropriate length of dating before engagement in Jewish communities, evaluating both traditional practices and contemporary concerns with secrecy in matchmaking. The conversation includes insights from Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits, Mrs. Aleeza Ben Shalom, Dr. Jacob Freedman, and Rav Shea Landau, addressing the balance between time, personal connection, disclosure of sensitive information, and communal expectations.
8 Nov 2024
11/9/24 – Shiur 488 – Tattoos in Halacha: Is microblading permitted? | The Real Deal – avoiding legal trouble
Microblading and its permissibility under Jewish law are explored, with contributions from various experts addressing whether the semi-permanent cosmetic procedure constitutes a forbidden tattoo. Additionally, the episode features a real estate professional's cautionary tale about avoiding legal trouble, which underscores the tensions of ethical behavior within the Jewish community.
29 Oct 2024
11/2/24 – Shiur 487 – Should Rabbanim be teaching girls and women?
Experts discuss the complex topic of male rabbinic figures teaching female students, examining religious, social, and ethical considerations. They address the dynamics of gendered education, potential challenges, necessary boundaries, and the impact on teachers and students.
10 Oct 2024
10/12/24 – Shiur 486 – What’s the role of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim? What are the most common and unusual questions being asked to our Rabbanim?
Rabbis from various communities discuss the distinct roles and responsibilities of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim, focusing on the common and unique questions they encounter, and the impact of current events such as the war in Israel. The conversations provide insights into the pastoral duties of a Rav, the halachic issues faced during the holidays, and the additional emotional support required by the community.