Tag: Dangoor Education

In this text, R. Elie Abadie discusses the halakhic philosophy of classical Sepharadi poseqim (Jewish legal authorities).
The text is promoting a membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura.
In his discussion of HaRav Kook's insights, R. Joseph Dweck focuses on the concept of "perishut," which refers to asceticism or separation.
In "Tosafists & their Meta-Halakhic Agenda" by R. Chaim Rapoport, the author explores the intellectual agenda of the Tosafists, a group of medieval Jewish commentators, and their approach to halakhah (Jewish law).
In this discussion, Rabbi Steven Danksy explores the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.
In this podcast episode, Rabbi Steven Dansky discusses the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.