Tag: Mosaic Editor Jonathan Silver

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik discusses the Jewish beliefs and customs surrounding martyrdom and honoring the dead.
In his essay "Biden's Ties That Bind," Michael Doran argues that President Biden's Middle East strategy aligns with the Obama administration's strategy of empowering Iran to establish a regional balance of power, allowing the U.S. to focus on China.
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea of consent in modern sexual ethics.
Abraham Socher, the founding editor of the Jewish Review of Books, discusses his new book of essays titled "Liberal and Illiberal Arts: Essays (Mostly Jewish)".
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean examines the United States' credibility and deterrent power in various conflicts.
In this podcast episode, three young Jewish individuals, Tamara Berens, Talia Katz, and Dovid Schwartz, discuss their experiences in the Beren Summer Fellowship and how it helped them discover their Jewish purposes.