Tag: Paul Ben Haim

In his 2022 book "The War on the West," journalist Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized, ignoring its positive contributions and causing division in America and Europe.
In his book "The War on the West," Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized for its sins, ignoring its positive contributions and causing division in America and Europe.
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in this podcast episode.
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in Western intellectual tradition.
Yale professor Steven Smith discusses the essay "Persecution and the Art of Writing" by Leo Strauss, a German Jewish philosopher.
In this podcast, Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discusses the misconception that Hezbollah is weakening in Lebanon.
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea of consent in modern sexual ethics.
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea that consent alone is not enough for modern sexual ethics.
In this podcast episode, Shany Mor discusses the recent surge of terrorist attacks in Israel after a period of relative calm since the Second Intifada.
In a recent podcast episode, Israeli analyst Shany Mor discusses the recent surge in terrorist attacks in Israel, which had previously experienced a period of relative calm.
Yuval Levin discusses the concept of freedom in relation to the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
Ilana Horwitz, a professor at Tulane University, discusses her recent book that highlights the role of religion in American children's educational performance.
In this podcast episode, policy researcher Andy Smarick discusses the government's role in strengthening American families.
In this podcast episode, foreign-policy scholar Vance Serchuk discusses the history and politics that underlie Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Yossi Shain, a professor of political science at Tel Aviv University and a member of Knesset, discusses the impact of Israel on the Jewish people in his book "The Israeli Century."
The podcast in question features 49 different guests who appeared in 44 episodes throughout 2021.
On December 4, 2021, an explosion occurred near Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz, causing the evacuation of two nearby villages.
Tech entrepreneur Antonio Garcia Martinez wrote a two-part essay titled "Why Judaism," in which he explores how Judaism served as an antidote to the issues he found in mainstream secular American life.
The Jewish Agency for Israel, founded in 1929, played a crucial role in incubating Israel's proto-government, and its officers became ministers upon Israel's declaration of independence.
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," author Dara Horn explores the strange fascination Western society has with Jews, particularly when they are dead.