Tag: People Love Dead Jews

In this podcast conversation with Jonathan Silver, novelist Dara Horn explores the idea of why people are drawn to the Jewish experience, specifically when it is associated with tragedy and death.
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," novelist Dara Horn explores the complex role of Jews in the Western conscience.
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast features Dara Horn, a prominent Jewish writer, discussing how fiction and non-fiction can shape our perception of fellow Jews and Jewish identity.
In this Halloween-themed episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the Jewish influences in the movie Dune, William Shatner's interest in going to the moon, and why some religious Jews don't celebrate Halloween.
In this podcast episode, author Dara Horn discusses her book "People Love Dead Jews" and the implications of society's obsession with dead Jews for contemporary Jewry, Israel, and the fight against antisemitism.
Dara Horn's book "People Love Dead Jews: Notes from a Haunted Present" explores the ways in which the media often portrays acts of violence against Jews in a blame-the-victims manner.
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," author Dara Horn explores the strange fascination Western society has with Jews, particularly when they are dead.