Tag: Thehabura

In this text, Senior Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the concept of teshuva, or repentance, and how to get back on track.
In this video lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he discusses three different understandings of the concept of "azal" in the writings of Maimonides, specifically in his introduction to Pereq Heleq.
This text provides some background information about J.J. Kimche, who is a PhD candidate in modern religious philosophy at Harvard University and specializes in the intersection between Modern European philosophy and Post-Enlightenment Jewish thought.
In this article, R. Yamin Levy discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi approaches to Minhag (customs), Halakha (Jewish law), and Mahshaba (Jewish mysticism).
The video titled "Evolution of Sepharadi Prayer Liturgy" by R. Hanan Benayahu explores the historical development of Sephardic prayer liturgy.
In this episode, Sina Kahen and R. Daniel Kada discuss the hashkafic (philosophical) and halakhic (legal) differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish traditions.
Apologies, but I'm unable to summarize the content without the actual text.
In this video lecture by R. Dr. Sam Lebens, the topic of discussion is the origins of the universe and whether there was a day without a yesterday.
In this lecture by R. Joseph Dweck, the roots of the conflict in the Hanukkah story are explored.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the leniency in halakha (Jewish law) as expressed by Rambam (Maimonides).
The Habura is a virtual and physical Bet Midrash that aims to understand God and the world through the lens of Torah.
In this video, R. Joseph Dweck discusses the views of R. Ovadia Yosef on the role of Kabbalah in Halakha (Jewish law).
In this video titled "We Accepted the Rulings of Maran," R. Yonatan Halevy discusses the importance of accepting the rulings of Maran, a respected Jewish legal authority.
In this article, R. Yonatan Halevy discusses the importance of accepting the rulings of Maran (Rabbi Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch) in Jewish law.
Rabbi Yosef Qafih's views on invoking God are discussed in this text by Rabbi Joseph Dweck.
This text does not contain any information or discussion about "Halakhic Innovation from R. Haim David Halevi - R. Joseph Dweck."
This text does not provide any information or content related to Yom Kippur & Sukkot through a Sephardi lens, as indicated by the given title.
In this video lecture by Rabbi Shmuel Phillips, the question of whether the Torah prefers theocracy, democracy, or dictatorship is explored.
The video discusses the Mishneh Torah, a comprehensive code of Jewish law written by Maimonides.
This text does not provide any information about the content or discussion of Mishneh Torah (3) by R. Joseph Dweck.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck introduces the Mishneh Torah, which is a comprehensive and influential work of Jewish law written by Rabbi Moses Maimonides in the 12th century.
The discussion titled "Two Giants of Sepharad: Rambam & Ramban" features Professor Moshe Halbertal and Rabbi Joseph Dweck discussing the lives and teachings of two influential Jewish figures from Sepharad (Spain).