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Adam Kirsch

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Tablet Slaughtered Offerings 24 Apr 2018
The article discusses the transition in the Daf Yomi cycle from the civil and criminal laws in Seder Nezikin to the rituals and sacrifices in Seder Kodashim ...
24 Apr 2018
Tablet Statue of Limitations 13 Mar 2018
The discussion revolves around the Talmudic prohibition against idol worship and the various nuances and challenges faced by Jews living in a society where i...
13 Mar 2018
Tablet Immoral, Weak, Abusive, Untrustworthy, and Murderous 13 Feb 2018
The Talmudic text explores the rabbis' views on interactions between Jews and non-Jews, painting a picture of suspicion and potential harm directed towards J...
13 Feb 2018
Tablet How Jews Should Deal With Gentiles 6 Feb 2018
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigat...
6 Feb 2018
Tablet Thou Shalt Sell No White Rooster and Bow to No Idols 30 Jan 2018
In the Talmudic period (200-500 CE), Jews had ceased being tempted by idol worship, focusing instead on co-existing with pagan societies. The text emphasizes...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet The Talmud’s Revenge Fantasies 23 Jan 2018
Literary critic Adam Kirsch is engaging with the Talmud through the Daf Yomi cycle, focusing on Tractate Avodah Zarah which discusses laws against idolatry. ...
23 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Black Fire on White Fire 7 Jan 2018
The text delves into the significance of the Torah in Judaism, discussing its origins and relationship with physical objects like Torah scrolls. It highlight...
7 Jan 2018
Tablet A Cruel and Elusive Family History 2 Jan 2018
The text delves into the complex and often cruel history of Jews in Poland, highlighting the strained relationship between Jews and Poles over the centuries....
2 Jan 2018
Tablet The Order of Things 12 Dec 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch delves into the intricacies of the Talmud's organization through his daily study of a page of Talmud. Despite the Talmud's hierar...
12 Dec 2017
Tablet On Bearing False Witness 14 Nov 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch delves into Tractate Makkot of the Talmud, exploring the punishment of conspiring witnesses, who give false testimony to cheat ot...
14 Nov 2017