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Adam Kirsch

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Tablet The Talmud and the Thought Police 31 Oct 2017
The article discusses the implications of a passage in the Talmud that states all Jews have a share in the World to Come, even those executed for serious cri...
31 Oct 2017
Jewish Review of Books From Hasidism to Marxism 27 Mar 2017
Isaac Deutscher, a former Gerer Hasid who became a prominent Marxist journalist and historian, underwent a transformative journey from his Jewish roots to a ...
27 Mar 2017
Tablet The Talmud as Epic 10 Jan 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch reflects on reading a page of the Talmud daily and highlights the dual portrayal of rabbis within its text. In the legal discussi...
10 Jan 2017
Jewish Review of Books Saladin, a Knight, and a Jew Walk Onto a Stage 23 Jun 2016
"Nathan the Wise" by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing is a play that contrasts with Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," presenting a philo-Semitic narrative refl...
23 Jun 2016
Tablet Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage, Go Together Like a— 17 May 2016
The Talmud extensively discusses the laws and complexities surrounding marriage, from betrothal to divorce, highlighting the legalistic nature of marriage in...
17 May 2016
Tablet Ghetto: The Shared History of a Word 15 Apr 2016
In his book "Ghetto: The Invention of a Place, the History of an Idea," Mitchell Duneier explores the shared history of the word "ghetto," originally inhabit...
15 Apr 2016
Tablet By Talmudic law, Jewish Men Purchase Brides as They Would a Slave or a Piece of Real Estate 29 Mar 2016
Jewish law views betrothal as a form of acquisition, akin to purchasing a slave or real estate, with the groom acquiring the bride through kiddushin before m...
29 Mar 2016
Tablet On the Acquisition of Women 22 Mar 2016
The text discusses the beginning of the tractate Kiddushin in the Talmud, which deals with the process of betrothal in Jewish marriage. It explains that betr...
22 Mar 2016
Tablet Divorce Court 15 Mar 2016
In wrapping up the study of Tractate Gittin in the Talmud, readers confront the grounds for divorce under Jewish law. Disagreements among the sages revolve a...
15 Mar 2016
Tablet The Talmud’s Inhumane View of Women Puts Unhappy Wives in Impossible Positions 8 Mar 2016
The discussion on the Talmud's view of divorce conditions raises concerns about the inhumane treatment of women. The text explores scenarios where husbands i...
8 Mar 2016