B. Duncan Moench

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Tablet The Photo-Negative Ideology 17 Jun
The text discusses the concept of the "Photo-Negative Ideology," where myths and narratives are used to justify violence and discrimination against others in...
17 Jun
Tablet This Isn’t Working 18 Apr
Alex Garland's new film "Civil War" depicts a dystopian future where a third-term U.S. president dissolves the FBI, leading to an authoritarian state and a v...
18 Apr
Tablet How the Next Civil War Begins 30 Nov 2022
The article discusses the possibility of a future civil war in the United States, triggered by a contested election. The author argues that the country is al...
30 Nov 2022
Tablet Punks vs. Posers 25 Jul 2022
The text discusses the contrast between "punks" and "posers," focusing on the themes of authenticity and integrity in art and politics within American societ...
25 Jul 2022
Tablet Roe and the Fable of Progressive Neoliberalism 9 Jun 2022
The text discusses the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, highlighting the impact it may have on women's reproductive rights. It crit...
9 Jun 2022
Tablet Did Bernie Sanders Fail to Seize His Moment? 14 Oct 2021
Bernie Sanders, a Jewish politician from Brooklyn, found himself in a position to enact significant social democratic reforms in the U.S. with a $3.5 trillio...
14 Oct 2021
Tablet Americans Hate Each Other 19 Jul 2021
Michael Lind proposed the idea of a new American republic based on "liberal nationhood," combining classical liberal values with a New Deal-like economic app...
19 Jul 2021
Tablet Is Musa Al-Gharbi the Last Academic Who Can Tell the Truth? 4 May 2021
Musa Al-Gharbi, a Ph.D. candidate and commentator challenging mainstream narratives, highlights how political correctness alienates American ethnic minoritie...
4 May 2021
Tablet The Three Stigmata of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 15 Jan 2021
The text discusses the idea of giving the baby boomer generation a drug called Chew-Z to envision an alternate reality where Martin Luther King Jr. was not a...
15 Jan 2021
Tablet What Is Progressivism? 2 Dec 2020
Progressivism originated as an Anglo-American alternative to socialism and populism in the late 19th century, serving as a way for the wealthy elite to fight...
2 Dec 2020