B. Duncan Moench

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Tablet The WASP Roots of the Social Justice Movement 19 Oct 2020
The text discusses the roots of the social justice movement in Anglo Protestant culture, highlighting its authoritarian tendencies and influence on American ...
19 Oct 2020
Tablet Jack Mormons 23 Jul 2020
Salt Lake City's complex culture, influenced by Mormonism, is often stereotyped and misunderstood, with some like former mayor Rocky Anderson openly criticiz...
23 Jul 2020
Tablet A Producerist Manifesto 15 Jul 2020
The text discusses the documentary "Planet of the Humans" which questions the efficacy of green technology like solar panels and wind turbines, suggesting th...
15 Jul 2020
Tablet The Great American Breakup 2 Jun 2020
The text discusses the current state of America, calling it backward, dysfunctional, and anti-intellectual, pointing out issues such as political incompetenc...
2 Jun 2020
Tablet America Is Not—and Never Was—a Nation of Immigrants 26 Mar 2020
The text discusses the myth of America as a nation of immigrants and challenges this narrative by highlighting that America was founded by Anglo Protestant c...
26 Mar 2020
Tablet Can Bloomberg and Hillary Swipe the Nomination From Bernie? 19 Feb 2020
The text discusses the potential strategies of Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton to prevent Bernie Sanders from obtaining the Democratic nomination by fo...
19 Feb 2020