Jewish Country Houses, co-edited by Abigail Green, explores the significance of grand homes owned by Jewish families across Europe, which symbolized not just...
A reader seeks advice on dealing with a pushy synagogue board member who expects them to befriend his socially anxious daughter. Balancing personal struggles...
"Sabor Judo: The Jewish Mexican Cookbook," authored by Ilan Stavans and Margaret E. Boyle, offers a vibrant fusion of Jewish and Mexican cuisines, with recip...
Assisted suicide remains a complex issue in Jewish burial practices due to its prohibition in traditional Jewish law. However, as revealed in a discussion fr...
In New York City's dense urban landscape, creative adaptations allow Jewish communities to celebrate Sukkot despite the lack of private outdoor spaces. From ...
A faux Forverts truck, referring to the historic Yiddish newspaper, was spotted on the set of an upcoming film called Marty Supreme, starring Timothe Chalame...
In a column from the "Bintel Brief" advice series, writer Beth Harpaz addresses a letter from a Christian father troubled by his opposing political views on ...
Jewish fans have a unique affinity for the New York Mets, rooted in historical, cultural, and emotional connections. The team's origins are linked to the Bro...
An Israeli couple living in Haifa is considering whether to stay in the conflict zone or move to the U.S., where they have been offered a secure living arran...
An Israeli flak jacket, procured by a Forward journalist, became a symbol of the chaotic environment for foreign reporters covering the aftermath of the Octo...