The article reflects on a poignant encounter between the author and another individual of Hungarian descent, juxtaposing their shared backgrounds with person...
In this installment of the serialized story "For Granted" from Mishpacha Magazine, Dini struggles with the emotional fallout from a breach of trust involving...
"In for a Ride" explores the chaotic yet memorable experiences found in the carpool lane, depicting a mix of humorous anecdotes and poignant moments shared a...
The recent Democratic National Convention in Chicago highlighted key issues in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections, specifically the dynamics within the...
Israel's recent preemptive strike on Hezbollah in Lebanon underscores the complex dynamics between military strategy and international diplomacy. Conducted e...
This article explores the life of Reb Shlomenyu of Sadigura, a complex and enigmatic Jewish leader who chose to forgo his inherited rabbinic title to engage ...
Sivan Rahav-Meir shares an inspiring account from the GO JEWISH Shabbaton in Antwerp, Belgium, where 300 young European Jews gathered to reconnect with their...
The article "I Teach, Therefore I Am" reflects on the author's experiences and philosophies as a junior high teacher, emphasizing the transformative role edu...
The article "Attendance Deficit" from Mishpacha Magazine delves into the challenges parents face with children who refuse to attend school, a growing issue k...
In an interview with Mishpacha, former Shin Bet chief and current Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter examines the complexities of Israel's security strategy, p...