The article "Opposing Camps" highlights the challenges faced by educators who balance their responsibilities between their regular teaching jobs and summer c...
"Art That Pops" profiles the Balloon Story exhibition by Israeli entrepreneur Yonatan Eizik and balloon artist Kobi Kalimian. Located at New York’s Park Aven...
In the summer of 2021 in Lakewood, New Jersey, a person shares a personal account of spending a disconnected summer sleeping in a storage closet next to a mi...
A man eager to ensure a timely prayer service on Rosh Chodesh mistakenly begins the prayers a day early, including unnecessary elements like yaaleh vyavo and...
The Israeli judicial system faces public backlash following the arrest of soldiers involved in the abuse of detained terrorists, with the Military Advocate G...
In Chapter 18 of "Picture This," Yonah and his friend Pinny discuss their married lives, transportation options like electric scooters and Teslas, and enjoy ...
Chaveirim's volunteers in Brooklyn successfully located a woman's lost engagement and wedding rings at a park, showcasing the power of Torah and gemilus chas...
Hezbollah's release of a video showcasing their extensive underground tunnel network in Lebanon has alarmed Israeli defense analysts, although it was not sur...
The author reflects on their shifting priorities and struggles with productivity during the summer months, particularly contrasting their love for June with ...
The text discusses the concept of Bentshing, the obligation to bless Hashem after eating, as a way to prevent distancing oneself from God once satisfied. It ...